100% Happiness Guarantee
We love our customers like family and we want every customer to be 100% happy with their order.
That's why we offer a 100% Happiness Guarantee!
If for any reason you're not happy, please let us know so we can fix the problem for you, whether that's by replacing it, providing a store credit or refunding the item.
With every order that goes out, we send a text message with a link to our FEEDBACK FORM which you can use to tell us how you feel about your order - whether that's ecstatically happy (we hope so!), good, ok or not so good.
If there are any problems with your order, we just ask that you let us know within 48hrs and email a photo of the problematic item.
Every order is hand packed with care and we have lots of quality control procedures in place to ensure you get exactly what you order, in pristine condition, every time.
However, we operate in Queensland's hot and humid climate and we rely on real people (not robots) to pack and deliver your order so occasionally (as much as we hate it) things do go wrong! Please give us the opportunity to fix anything you're unhappy with.
We pride ourselves on providing THE best customer service and our customers confirmed we were definitely achieving this in a recent survey.
Let us show you how much we care!