I've never done a juice cleanse before but always wanted to, so I enlisted the help of my good friend Kirsty Kraynik, aka Gusty Mums, to put together a simple program to follow. Yes, I could just do this by myself, but I’d rather do it with the support of a whole group! So Kirsty, and our good friends Aime MacDonald, Jorden Tubman and my mum, Naturopath Jenny Allwell, would like to invite you all to join us for a serious health kick – starting Saturday 22 April 2017.
Why juice fast? A quick Google search will give you a load of reasons, but here’s a few biggies – it helps remove toxins from your body, nourishes your body with loads of good nutrients and gives your digestive system a much needed rest.
For me, having recently been through 2 miscarriages and never really having properly healed myself from years of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (when I ate gluten and didn’t take such good care of my body) – I’m keen to reset my body, to give my digestive system a break and hopefully, after the fast as I gradually introduce foods again, to identify any foods that might be contributing to the migraines I get every now and then. I’m also hoping to improve my focus and energy.
So, how will it work? Very simply... Kirsty is putting together a wonderful guide for us to follow, with tips on preparing for the cleanse, juice recipes and lots of other useful information.
During the 7 days, we’ll be posting in our 7 Day Juice Cleanse Facebook group to keep us all motivated – sharing our thoughts, feelings, discoveries, tips (and we encourage you to as well). If you’re in Brisbane, there’ll be a meet-up at Seventeen Mile Rocks Park and a workshop at Kirsty’s house – we’d love you to come hang out with us in person!
We’ll also be sharing details of other activities we’ll be doing during the 7 days, like gentle exercise rituals, meditation, oil pulling, using essential oils and Kirsty will even share with you how to do an enema at home!
Where do you get the juice? Well you could buy it already made for you from a juice cleanse company, or, like we’ll be doing, you can make it yourself following Kirsty’s recipes using local, spray-free produce. I’ll be putting together a special box of Spray-Free Farmacy produce specifically for the cleanse that’ll give you everything you need to make a week’s worth of delicious juices.
Do you have to commit to 7 days? Hell no. Join us for us many days as you like. I’ve never done this before either so I’m not sure how far I’ll make it but I’m aiming for 7 days!
Is there any cost? Not at all (except for your produce and Kirsty’s workshop). We just want others to improve their health too – a healthier community is better for us all.
Join the Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/
Kristen x