Farmacy Weekly Report Week #12 2022

Farmacy Weekly Report Week #12 2022

Hi Foodies

Welcome to another sunshiney day in glorious Queensland. I feel so blessed to live here, especially in the cooler months when I can lay in the sun for hours and soak in the vitamin D.

Won't be long now till the temperature starts dropping which means it's the perfect time to consider how you'll boost your family's immune system to ward off winter colds. Here's a few ideas you might like to try:


Medical Medium fans will be pleased to know Celery has come down in price a little this week, but it's still a bit exxy at $9 a bunch. This is because it's not in season in Queensland at the moment so we have to source it from Victoria and it's in short supply.

Leafy greens are in very short supply at the moment due to the floods/rain which wiped out most of our farmers' seedlings. It'll take a few more weeks before we have a more abundant supply and prices are back to normal. This week we do have Baby Spinach, Rocket, Lettuce and Fresh Herbs but all are more expensive than usual. We also have a small amount of Dandelion Leaves and Endive.

We still have a delicious abundance of fruit for you including new season Figs, Kiwi Fruit, Pineapples, Apples, Pears, Oranges and more. 


New this week we have:

Have a delicious week!

Kristen x

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