We've been working hard behind the scenes to further improve our website and subscription portal.
Today we've launched a special cart dashboard that has the following benefits:
- Remembers your chosen delivery method (your pick up location or delivery)
- Displays your order history so you can easily order the same as a previous week
- Enables you to add one time purchases to subscriptions
- Improves the overall subscription process - you can easily customise your subscription each week
All orders will go through the dashboard so you will notice that the Cart step looks quite different. We still have a few improvements to make on this page - please let us know what you think of it.
If you tend to forget to order each week - now is the time to try out our subscription system! You're never locked in, you have the power to customise your order each week but if you forget, you'll get your standard order so you'll never miss out.
Now please note... technology is never easy (in our experience) so we fully expect to find a few glitches in the new system. If you notice anything, please let us know!
Below is a video we made that shows you how the new system works!
Please reach out to us if you have any questions or troubles navigating, but it should be pretty straight forward after watching the video: