Hi, we're the Ottaway family

Trevor, Kristen and our 2 beautiful daughters. We live in North Brisbane. We love good quality fresh food and are passionate about healthy living, knowing exactly where our food comes from and protecting our environment for future generations. We used to spend much of our Saturday going to Farmers Markets, then Wrays (for the organic things we couldn't get at the markets), then to the supermarket for those extra things - it was taking up so much time!

We stumbled upon our farmer friend Kel

We also tried many organic home delivery places and they were ok, but when we stumbled upon our farmer friend Kel and asked her to put a box together for us, we were amazed at the beautiful fresh produce and fantastic value! We also loved the fact that there was no unnecessary packaging. We mentioned this to our friends and they wanted a box too so it wasn't long before we decided to set up a partnership with Kel and start offering these fantastic boxes to our wider Brisbane community.

  • 32

    Spray-Free & Organic Farms we support

  • 135,291

    Boxes of fresh food delivered since 2015

  • 108

    Organic brands & Artisan Food Makers we support

  • 431

    Kindness boxes delivered to local families

Our Mission + Impact

We're not your average food store, we're on a mission to make the world a better place, one veggie box at a time! We're committed to delivering the best food system we possibly can.

Our Vision

A kind, healthy and vibrant world where people are connected to, and truly nourished by the food they eat.

Our Mission

To deliver a healthy, kind and fair food system that nourishes and delights our customers while helping our farmers and food
makers thrive.

Our farmers and makers

Spray Free Organic Regenerative Farming Stefano Coco Tomatoes

Stefano Coco

Meet Stefano, our favourite tomato farmer from Stanthorpe.  |

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Local organic farmer with box of produce grown without chemicals in Mount Cotton

Green Drop Organics

Meet Ian Burow | Chemical-free livingCommunityHealthy LivingLocal farmersSustainability

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Angela Pennell Certified Organic Farmer in Scenic Rim holding pumpkin on her farm next to her face

Scenic Rim Organics

Meet Ange and Steve Pennell | Certified OrganicChemical-free livingCommunityLocal farmersOrganic farmingSustainability

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