What's Sprayed on Australian Crops (And Why It Matters)


If you've ever wondered what’s really going into your food, you’re not alone. While we all love fresh produce, it’s a little unsettling to know that Australia is one of the world’s biggest users of some pretty scary chemicals in agriculture. And we’re not talking about harmless fertilisers. We’re talking about Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs)—chemicals that are so toxic they’re banned in many other countries. Yet here they are, sprayed on crops and finding their way into our kitchens.

In fact, Australia authorises the use of 144 HHPs, according to a recent report by Pesticide Action Network, UK. This means Australia allows more of these dangerous chemicals than nearly anywhere else in the world. Some of these pesticides are so bad for our health and the environment that other countries won’t touch them. Yet, in Australia, they’re regularly used to grow the food many of us eat every day.

Environmental groups like the National Toxics Network are raising the alarm. They’ve called on the Albanese government to urgently investigate Australia’s agricultural chemical regulations. Jo Immig, the network’s convener said, 

“It’s shameful and dangerous Australia still uses many pesticides long banned in other countries and still has no effective mechanism to get them off the market or to incentivise farmers to move away from their use.”


“We are a dumping ground for pesticides long banned by other, more cautious countries, which is ultimately not to our competitive advantage and nor is it protective of public health or the environment.”

So, what exactly are these pesticides, and why should you care?

The Hidden Chemicals in Our Food

Take a moment to imagine this: you’re at the supermarket picking up a basket of fresh veggies for your family. You see bright, shiny apples, crisp lettuce, and plump strawberries. But what you can’t see are the chemical residues left behind from pesticides like Paraquat or Chlorpyrifos, which are used here despite being banned in places like the European Union. These chemicals are linked to serious health risks, from nerve damage to hormone disruption, and they don’t just disappear when the produce is washed.

And it’s not just about your health. These pesticides also wreak havoc on the environment, contaminating soil, water, and even harming wildlife.

Choosing Organic: A Healthier Future for You and the Planet

Now, we know that organic food can sometimes feel like a luxury. But when you consider that conventional produce in Australia might be laden with pesticides that have been banned in other parts of the world, it’s a powerful reminder of why prioritising organic matters.

Organic and regenerative farming avoids the use of these harmful chemicals, ensuring that what ends up on your plate is free from synthetic pesticides and herbicides. Not only is this better for your health, but it’s also better for the farmers, the environment, and future generations.

By supporting organic, you’re saying no to the harmful pesticide practices that are still prevalent in Australia. You’re prioritising your health and the health of the planet, and that’s something we can all feel good about.

Time for a Change

At the end of the day, knowing where your food comes from and how it’s grown is one of the best ways to make healthier choices. It’s also how we can start making a difference in the larger food system. So, the next time you’re shopping for fruit and veggies, think twice about the hidden chemicals and consider switching to organic. Your body, the farmers, and the planet will thank you.

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