Looking for a new warm and nourishing breakfast recipe?
Try making Kristen's Cacao Crepe's. Takes only 15 minutes for this delightful gluten free, dairy free, sugar free and of course spray free recipe.
It is fuss free and so delicious you'd be crazy not to give it a try...
Kristen's Cacao Crepes with berry jam and grilled banana
(Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free + of course spray free)
Cacao Crepes:
1/2 cup Cassava Flour
1 Heaped tablespoon of Cacao
1 Egg
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup Coconut Milk
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1 tablespoon of melted Coconut Oil
Ghee for frying
Mix all ingredients in a bowl (it will be runny). Heat fry pan to medium heat. Add teaspoon of ghee to oil pan. Pour a small amount into pan (1/4 cup). Tilt the pan with a circular motion so that the batter coats the surface evenly. Cook for a minute and flip when ready (just like a pancake).
Berry Jam:
1 cup frozen berries (ie. Raspberries + Blackberries)
1 tablespoon of Chia seeds
Squeeze of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of maple syrup
Place all ingredients into a pot over medium heat, bring to boil and mash to preferred consistency. (Can be done whilst cooking crepes)
Grilled bananas:
1-2 bananas
Ghee for frypan
Cut banana in half lengthways then in half again.
Heat frypan to medium heat and place a teaspoon of ghee to pan Cook bananas flat side down till golden and flip and repeat.
(Can use same pan after crepes have finished)
To assemble, just lay crepe on plate, spread with jam, top with banana and roll. So quick, easy and yummy - you may also find yourself cooking these on a midweek morning.
Healthy recipes